The Social Mission

The thing that differentiates a social enterprise from a normal business is its social mission. A Social Enterprise is inseparable with its Social Mission, otherwise it would not be called Social. DEFINITION: SOCIAL MISSION Social mission is the mission that a social enterprise adapts in order to solve a problem and benefit the society. There …


Imagine you have a unique idea for creating a social enterprise. You have followed the suggested steps above and you realize your idea already exists. What are your thoughts? have you any backup plan and if yes present it in the team. It is recommended to separate in groups, depending on the similarity of your …

Step For Assessing The Business Idea

A business idea, even if it seems incredible as an idea, maybe needs improvement when committing to implement it. There are some questions that need answer, specific steps that need to be followed and finally a lot of things that need to be adjusted. 1) Explore the initial idea This step includes the theoretical exploration …

The Business Idea

The business idea is the seed that later grows and becomes a tree (the business). The more qualitative the seed is, the better for the tree. Learners should be very careful at this stage, because the sustainable (or not) development of the business depends on the idea. A business idea is a concept which aims …

How to Start a Social Enterprise?

Introduction This module is related to the initial steps needed in order to learn how to start a Social Enterprise. Purpose The purpose of this module is to prepare learners for all the needed steps in order to be able later to write their business plan. Learning Outcomes Describe here the expected learning outcomes after …


Imagine you are a CEO of a Social Enterprise and the local community has asked you to present your enterprise and its impact in a local festival. Create a plan of actions and prepare your presentation. Do not forget that your presentation will be attended from possible sponsors! Estimated time: 20 minutes

Measuring Social Impact

DEFINITION: IMPACT ‘’Impact is the reflection of social results, tailored to the results achieved anyway, for negative consequences and for consequences declining as time goes by” (GECES, 2014). An example of a social enterprise ‘s impact is the results of developing any kind of employment. If yes, the measurement of the impact will be shown …

The Impact Of Social Enterprises!

This training module will allow learners to understand the functional difference between typical enterprise and Social Enterprise and fully understand why the Social Enterprises benefit society and in which ways. Purpose This training module aims to present the benefits and the importance of measuring the impact of Social Enterprises.Learning OutcomesThe learning outcomes of this training …

Success Stories Of Enterprises

Social enterprises are founded to solve a range of social needs and often vary in their model. These are three common approaches along with some best-in-class examples of each model. 1) THE INNOVATION MODEL Solar Sister is an example of a company that directly addresses a social need through innovative products. The company brings clean …

Creating Value in Social Enterprise!

For social entrepreneurs operating social enterprises, this value creation process simultaneously occurs in three ways along a continuum, ranging from purely economic, to socio-economic, to social: Economic Value Economic value is created by taking a resource or set of inputs, providing additional inputs or processes that increase the value of those inputs, and thereby generate …