Social responsibility and environmental protection mean commitment to life.
Today, environmental pollution and ecological problems are increasing day by day. As a youth group, we implemented the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project titled “Paint Your Future Green” with our Dream Time team in order to raise environmental awareness, protect the ecological balance and draw attention to endangered animals in Şanlıurfa on 22-28 September 2021. We realized our project with activities where we will have information about the environment and ecological balance and raise awareness through various activities using experiential learning methods. In accordance with the purpose of the project, the participants used their own glasses and water flasks to draw attention to the use of pets throughout the project. Ecological name badges produced by the Knitting for Hope team, one of the outputs of the “Social Inclusion of Refugee Youth Through Social Entrepreneurship” project, which contributes to the preservation of the ecological balance, were used. Ecological badges attracted great attention in the project. Various kinds of saplings were planted in Harran University Osmanbey Campus with participants from Italy, Spain, Jordan, Germany and Turkey. Within the scope of the project, Minister of Culture and Tourism Mehmet Nuri Ersoy visited our project and met with the participants. The minister, who saw the activities of the youth on the spot, thanked the youth for their environmental awareness. The participants, whose awareness of environmental protection has increased with our project, continue to work on spreading this awareness and creating awareness.
Supporting and disseminating the outputs of the Social Inclusion of Refugee Youth through Social Entrepreneurship project increases social inclusion even more and creates this awareness in more individuals.
Interest in Knittinh for Hope badges increased considerably after the “Paint the Future Green” project. This has enabled social entrepreneurs to be more innovative and have a greater say in the field of social entrepreneurship.