Funding Your Idea


By the end of this module learners will get acquainted with all the possible ways of raising funds for their Social Enterprise. Given the fact that each business has different needs, the learners will have the opportunity to compare the available funding methods and choose the one that suits them.


The purpose of this module is to help learners to understand how funding works, the types of funding and having all the given information, to decide which one is tailored to the needs of their Social Enterprise.

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge: Learners will learn for all the available ways of funding and how funding works.

  • Skills: Learners will develop the skill of critical thinking and the planned design, in order to make decisions which will be proved suitable in the future.

Competences: Learners will cultivate the competence of effective communicating with others, given the fact that they have to pursue their potential donors/sponsors for the rightness of their arguments.

Social Enterprise, Crowdfunding, Funding, Capital.
Main content of the chapter
In this chapter, learners will have the opportunity to deepen in effective communication, which will help them develop negotiating skills and manage to earn funds for their Social Enterprise.
Basic Information
Funding an enterprise is one of the most time consuming and painful procedures. In the case of social enterprises, funding is usually the only resource which can help it retain both aspects: the commercial and the social, because the social mission requires to give priority in the social aspect rather than the profit aspect, which ensures the sustainability of the social enterprise. Funding requires the development of a network and communication skills. Even if the purpose of the Social Enterprise is the most sacred, it will not attract funding without properly communicating its goals and ambitions and of course the sustainability of the social mission ideas. Sponsors are likely to participate in projects with great impact or/and projects with clear goals.