The business idea is the seed that later grows and becomes a tree (the business). The more qualitative the seed is, the better for the tree. Learners should be very careful at this stage, because the sustainable (or not) development of the business depends on the idea.
A business idea is a concept which aims to earn money, through the implementation of the idea.
Why is a business idea important?
Business idea may seem as something that does not add too much value to the portrait of a social enterprise. The truth is that the idea itself cannot stand alone, but it is the foundation of the whole enterprise.
Generating Ideas
Generating ideas is the most difficult part of building an enterprise and especially for a social enterprise. At a first glance may seem easy to have an idea, but considering the problems that society faces, on the one hand indecisiveness alerts and in the other some ideas the more brilliant they are the more difficult to implement. In each case, inspiration is needed.
Meet new people. Listening to other people’s stories, especially those you meet for the first time, it is something that can trigger your inspiration and creative thinking.
Travel. Researches have shown that your brain works a little differently when you are in places you have never been before.
- Focus on things that bother you. By noticing the things that bother you, in a creative way, which means with a creative interest to solve them, it can help you generate new ideas. This can be achieved through daily journaling
- Focus on your interests. Which means, reflect on the things you love to spend your time on, and probably an idea of something new can be uncovered.
Sleep on it. Many scientists, artists, engineers have inspired from their dreams. When we are awake, the most rational part of our brain works, but when we are sleeping our intuitional side is waking up.
Online. Maybe it seems commonplace, but there are endless ideas out there.